How Make images and youtube videos responsive in blogger post
Now a days it has become very important to make responsive pages due
to a many devices with different screen size available now and more people are
using these mobile devices for browsing and reading. Responsive web pages
should be designed to render properly on all devices.
In blogger there are many responsive templates which are free and paid
available for download. These templates are very helpful for making the your
blog responsive.
Still in some templates, the pictures inserted in the posts are not responsive due to the fixed size options provided by blogger post editor.
In this case you can follow these simple steps to make the picture responsive. This method can also be used if you do not have a responsive template, but want the picture to be of certain percentage of the page body. For example you may want the image to fill the page body by width or you may want the image width to be half the size of the page width.
Still in some templates, the pictures inserted in the posts are not responsive due to the fixed size options provided by blogger post editor.
In this case you can follow these simple steps to make the picture responsive. This method can also be used if you do not have a responsive template, but want the picture to be of certain percentage of the page body. For example you may want the image to fill the page body by width or you may want the image width to be half the size of the page width.
Find <img followed by link to the image
Add the code style="width: 100%;
height: auto;" after <img with a space separating
img and new code.
Preview and post.
Do this only before posting. Because, blogger
manipulates the html code when you edit again. This may cause problem with
For youtube videos embed the youtube iframe
between the following code
<style>.embed-container {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
padding-top: 30px;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
} .
embed-container iframe,
.embed-container object, .embed-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Your YouTube video embed code
from share option in YouTube video page </div>
If you have installed a responsive blogger
template, but blogger default template is loading the you have to follow these
steps to disable default blogger template for mobile.
By changing the value 100% to a lower value in
code for image, it is also possible to keep the image always smaller by a
percentage of page body.